Some people seek a postgraduate degree because they are passionate about academic research, while others do so because it has evolved to be seen as a “required standard” in most industrial sectors. Given that research has gained greater importance recently, particularly in the industry’s research and development sector, I consider myself to be in the latter category.
My parents have always told me, “Life is just the beginning, and it will get tougher and tougher as you grow older.” I never took their words for granted, and I am eternally grateful to them for providing me with an education up to the degree level. Ever since I was in Semester 2 during my BSc (Hons) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry degree at IMU, I have always wanted to pursue further studies to a postgraduate degree.
Unfortunately, a life in research is no bed of roses, and requires a lot of sacrifices. One such unfortunate timing was when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Malaysia, and all laboratories and services were forced to shut down from March 2020 onwards in concordance to the Movement Control Order (MCO). It was extremely tough for everyone, including myself, especially it was also when I was officially registered as a postgraduate student. Many activities, including meetings with my team and conferences, were required to be held remotely, which severely hampered my experience.
Fortunately, the conferences that I have attended were all memorable and fruitful. During the peak of the pandemic, I attended the International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) organised by University of Groningen, Netherlands. Even though the conference was held virtually, I had the feeling that I was physically present and it was a unique experience.