An American psychologist with the unfortunate name of Edwin Boring once wrote, “The most important and greatest puzzle we face as humans is ourselves.” I began my study in Psychology asking myself the question: What makes us who we are? Why do we think the way we think? Why do we behave the way we do? Even now as I have successfully graduated, some of these questions are left unanswered, for humans are a puzzle – subtle, complex, multi-layered and complicated. Nevertheless, studying psychology at IMU has allowed me to place the pieces in my puzzle little by little as it was as much of an academic journey as it was a time of healing and self-exploration.
My journey with IMU began as early as 7 years ago at the IMU Oral Health Centre to which I was a loyal customer of. Ever since I stepped foot on campus, I knew that this was where I wanted to pursue my studies. IMU checked all my boxes. It’s prestigious, located conveniently near my house and has amazing facilities, to name a few. To top it all off, I was offered a generous scholarship from IMU for my foundation studies and later, a full scholarship to pursue my degree in Psychology.
If I were to write about every single meaningful experience I had in IMU, I would end up with an entire book worth of stories. To save you all that word count (something I struggled with for every assignment), I hereby summarise my best memories at IMU that will remain etched in my heart forever: