A Journey Through Time at an Alumni Sharing Session

An alumna of the psychology programme, Kerk Qian Wei completed her BSc (Hons) Psychology and Master of Counseling at IMU and is now working at Tzu Chi International School as a counselor. In her sharing, “A Journey from Sowing to Reaping,” she compared her experiences to the growth of a seedling into a tree.


Sowing is when she embarked into BSc (Hons) Psychology programme at IMU. She proclaimed herself as a gardener planting the seed of passion in the garden of IMU. In the growing phase, she shared about her challenges, resources that assisted her journey, asserted that she built her inner strength by grabbing opportunities that came her way by using her potential capabilities such as leading the team to a Hospital Bahagia visit. In the reaping phase, she developed her own profile and narrowed down her passion in pursuing Master of Counseling, where she graduated in June 2023. She also broadens her networking skills in order to transfer knowledge and experiences of others for lifelong learning. She ends by posting a question to the audience “What seed are you aspiring to sow?”

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