Challenging But Rewarding Journey as an IMU MSc in Public Health Student

During the programme, I learned to use my time wisely and become more disciplined. I had to be flexible and adaptable in adjusting my study schedule according to my work shifts. I allocated a few hours daily to work on my assignments, review slides prepared by the lecturers and watch online lectures. Sometimes, I faced challenges balancing my work responsibilities with the academic demands. Managing deadlines for various assignments while fulfilling my work obligations has taught me to prioritise tasks based on their urgency and importance. I also devoted considerable time to completing assignments, including reading relevant literature to enhance my knowledge and comprehension of the subject matter.


The lecturers have been responsive and helpful. They can be contacted online via Microsoft Teams to offer further assistance or clarification on any aspect of the assignments or the lectures. The IMU ODL portal has made the course materials readily accessible. Students could easily download the course materials and review them on their devices at their own pace. The platform also enabled students to submit their written assignments online, making it convenient for those who live far away from the campus.


For the MSPH programme in ODL mode, the postgraduate students must complete 80% of the coursework through the online platform, where they will engage in various teaching and learning activities. The remaining 20% of the programme requires students to be on campus for field visits and practical sessions. The field visits were enriching and educational as I witnessed how public health interventions were implemented in real settings.


At the start of the semester, students received notifications about the dates for field visits and practical sessions. This helped me a lot as I could plan my leave days ahead of time with my nurse manager. Through field visits, I also had the opportunity to engage with other MSPH students from ODL and conventional modes. We exchanged our perspectives and insights and co-created knowledge during the sessions.

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