Navigating Life – From Kuala Lumpur to Otago

As a young girl, it’s normal to have multiple ambitions and so many changes along the way but being a pharmacist has always been the one constant throughout the years. I am lucky enough to be accepted into pharmacy school not just in IMU but also as a transfer student to University of Otago, New Zealand (NZ).


Prior to moving to Dunedin, New Zealand, all the talks that I had with friends and family about my transfer sounded fun and seamless but when the actual day came, it was a whirlwind of emotions.


One thing that I was not aware of was that I would have a 6-month break before transferring after completing my fourth semester of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in IMU in June 2023 since New Zealand’s university intake only starts in February 2024. Initially, it was fun having no academic stress but it gradually turned into boredom and fear of missing out, especially since my peers in IMU were doing their fifth semester while I was doing nothing.


Upon my arrival to NZ, I was rushed with so many differences from what I had back in Kuala Lumpur. One of the biggest things is that Dunedin is a rather small city and being a born and raised city girl, it seemed so foreign to me. To add to that, most shops and eateries in NZ close at 5pm, taken aback is definitely an understatement.

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